PhD Thesis offers: Results

11 PhD subjects proposed by the CTM

Subjects : 

Link to the doctoral school : Click here

Application : 

  • The sending of application files (PDF format) can only be done electronically
  • each candidate can only present on one project
  • the ED ES requires that candidates have obtained at least a “with honours” mention in their first or second years of Master (or equivalent)
  • any incomplete file will be rejected
  • files are received by electronic version only (PDF format)


  • Detailed CV (with full contact details: email address, postal address, telephone)
  • Cover letter with the title of the project and the name of the thesis director (1 to 2 pages)
  • A tentative post-thesis professional project (1 page)
  • Transcripts and results in Master degree or equivalent. You must provide your ranking – final or provisional – and the number of students in the Master. If your training does not deliver rankings automatically, insist with the person in charge to obtain it – specifying the compulsory nature for your application. This ranking will not be made public
  • Letter (s) of recommendation

The files are then sent to the project leaders by the Doctoral School. It is the thesis directors who choose the short list of candidates that will be presented orally.

For shorlisted candidates, auditions will take place on  July 2-4, 2024 in Besançon

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